Vogt Geo Injector Service
We are delighted to offer all our clients a new and innovative service that optimises the health, vitality and disease resistance of your trees. This specialist service is delivered through our sister company GeoTree.
GeoTree offers a highly effective way of promoting better tree health by working with the soil and rooting environment of your trees. Soil aeration, water retention and ecology are all improved and the trees uptake of vital nutrients and bio stimulants is enhanced with significant benefits to the health and disease resistance of the trees.
Geo Tree has invested in the Vogt Geo Injector which uses compressed air to decompact and inoculate the soil and rootzone around your trees. This technology is at the leading edge of a new approach to arboriculture and tree health.
The products that are used to inoculate the soil contain biochar, mycorrhizal fungi and various bio stimulants. These soil amendments have been researched and developed over several years by Carbon Gold, the leading specialists in this field.
You can click through to the GeoTree website here for more information.

Air Spade Service
The Air Spade is a specialist tool that is extremely useful for excavating soil around trees and their root systems without causing any damage to the roots.
There are 3 main areas where the Air Spade is used :
- 1. On development sites we are regularly using the Air Spade to work in areas where conventional digging by hand or machine is not viable. Often planning consent is subject to ‘No Dig’ constraints in areas close to trees that must be retained.
- 2. Root damage and soil compaction is a major cause of poor health in trees. The Air Spade can be used in such cases to alleviate surface compaction and so improve the rooting environment for trees.
- Surface decompaction is often carried out in conjunction with mulching to boost root function and tree health. Enriched biochar and other nutients can be incorporated with the mulch for maximum effect.
- 3. We also use the Air Spade to uncover and inspect the root collar and buttress roots for signs of disease, damage or decay. By removing soil from around the main roots it is possible to make a close visual and hands on inspection – vital information to help assess the health and stability of a tree.
Air Spade Services are now delivered through our sister company GeoTree and you can click through to their website here for more information.