We used a crane barge to help extract this large Poplar from the river near Henley-on-Thames. This large tree had blown over and blocked access for boats on this section of the river near Henley-on-Thames.

The tree was large and most of it was submerged with a lot of built up debris and mud that the strong current had pushed up over it during the winter months.

The tree blocked the only navigable passage for our clients cruiser and so needed to be cleared before the summer boating season began.

The tree had fallen into about 3 or 4 meters depth of water and the current ran fairly strong at this point.

Access for machinery via the river bank was not available and so we made arrangement for a crane mounted on a work barge to be brought in.

The barge was positioned alongside the submerged tree with supporting legs lowered into the river bed to provide stability for lifting.

Tree removal from river
Working carefully from a small boat, one of our operators was able to cut sections of the tree which were lifted with the crane out of the water and onto dry land. Working methodically and carefully the tree was safely removed, piece by piece. The large sections of the main trunk weighed more than a ton each and of course this work could not have been completed without the crane.

This is certainly not a typical tree removal operation but we have the knowledge and experience to carry out work of this nature as and when it comes up.