Jun 4, 2021 | Company News, Tree Planting
Copse planting of ornamental specimen trees in a garden in Thame : The planting plan was carefully designed by Matt and agreed with the client. We selected Betula pendula ‘Laciniata’ standards and Betula albosinensis ‘Fascination’ multistems to create a small copse...
Jun 11, 2019 | Tree Planting
Most of our work is all about tree felling and tree surgery so it was great to be involved in this avenue tree planting to create a beautiful landscape feature that will last for decades to come. The design was produced by award winning garden designer Rosemary...
May 3, 2019 | Tree Planting
Tree planting is a rewarding and important aspect of arboriculture and we have developed our expertise and equipment to successfully plant and establish large semi-mature specimens such as this Kanzan Cherry. This tree will form part of a large woodland garden where...