Jun 10, 2021 | Company News, Crown Reduction
We recently completed tree surgery and crown reduction work to this avenue of 14 mature lime trees on a private road in Princes Risborough. These trees were all subject to a Tree Preservation Order and so we submitted an application and obtained planning consent for...
Jun 4, 2021 | Company News, Tree Planting
Copse planting of ornamental specimen trees in a garden in Thame : The planting plan was carefully designed by Matt and agreed with the client. We selected Betula pendula ‘Laciniata’ standards and Betula albosinensis ‘Fascination’ multistems to create a small copse...
May 13, 2020 | Company News, Tree Pruning, Tree Surgery
Our expert tree surgeons have shaped and pruned many garden trees in the Thame area in recent weeks. Recent work included reducing the crown of an old Robinia, removing low branches on a Horse Chestnut and pruning a veteran Cappadocian Maple. The garden belonged to...
May 6, 2020 | Company News
This large Beech tree in Watlington had become unsafe and dangerous. We used a crane to dismantle the tree in sections, often know as sectional felling. We had inspected the tree as part of a tree safety inspection for the site owner. We found the decay fungus...
Apr 29, 2020 | Company News, Tree Felling, Tree Surgery
Tree felling and tree surgery to maintain safety on highways and roads near Oxford is a service that we offer. We obtained consent from Oxfordshire Highways to place temporary traffic lights on the road so that we could undertake tree surgery and tree felling work. ...
Apr 22, 2020 | Company News, Crown Reduction
Our tree surgery team recently reduced the crown of this veteran beech tree in a garden in Princes Risborough in South Bucks. This was the largest tree in the area by some margin and still in very good health. We estimated the age of this Beech (Fagus sylvatica) at...